September 28, 2011

Top Ten Books I Want to Reread

It's Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is
Top 10 Books I Want to Reread

1. Shadow kiss by Richelle Mead
OMG, this is one of my favourites books EVER!! I loved it every minute of it. And I would die to have a chance to reread it again for the first time. The first time is always the best one. I reread it, um, I think 10 times or more. I fell in love with this book, even if the end is so so sad. The conversation with Rose and Lissa, in the end, is one of my best parts ever from the whole series.

2. Blood promise by Richelle Mead
This book is AMAZING. I remember I've been waiting for it, um like a week. And I've thought I would die. I couldn't wait anymore. The end of the third book was so heart breaking and I wanted to read this one as soon as I could. And let me tell you OMG this book had freak me out so much!! I was at this Bar the whole day reading. I turned off my phone. I didn't give a damn for the whole world. Just me and Rose. It was incredible. I haven't eaten, just drinking coffee all day long. I was THAT into it. And I've been reading the whole night, and in the morning I just put clothes on and went again in the bar reading. I loved it so much. I've been so nervous, I've been crying so hard. I would give the world so I could reread it like the first time. 

3. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
This book was my favourite on of the whole series. OMG so so good. I wish I could reread it for the first time again and again. 

4. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
I loved this book. It was my favourite one from the series and I would love to reread it again. 

5. Storm Born by Richelle Mead
I loved this one. The beginning was the best. Meeting Dorian and saving Jasmin was great.

6. Succubus blues by Richelle Mead 
I loved it so much the first time that Seth and Georgina meet. I was laughing so hard. The love triangle. The battle. Unpredictable. Awesome. 

7. New moon by Stephenie Meyer
OMG, I still remember the first time I've read it. I was crying so hard. And the run for saving Edward OMG it was the best.

8. Breaking dawn by Stephenie Meyer
Ok, the wedding and everything was so beautiful. And the battle with the Vultoris was amazing. The part when Bella said goodbye to Renesmee was so heartbreaking, I was crying so so much. Awesome. I loved it.

9. Epic fail by Claire LaZebnik
This book was so so funny and I loved it. Until the end, you don't know how it will finish. 

10. Last sacrifice by Richelle Mead
Well, I've been waiting for this book for like 3 months. So yeah, I did like a lot. The puzzle comes together and the ending is pretty cool. I would love to reread it like the first time.

September 25, 2011


Eeeeeh Oxford :)

What a lovely city. I decided before I head home I' ll go visit Oxford. Indeed I did. And I loved it. It's really nice. It's actually more of a student city that Cambridge is, but then I guess is because it is September and the University haven't started yet. Booh. But it was so so nice. Every building is like seriously old. Everything is beautiful. The center is small and all the Universities are spread all over it. And they are huge. The main street in the center is called George Street and it's really nice. 

Then you have in my opionion one of the most beautiful streets ever - Cornmartek Street. It's amazing!! In the day there are so many people walking by there. And in the night is so so beautiful. 

Here is this library. Bodleian Libraby. OMG I would die to have a chance to study in this library. Seriously. Is awfully huge and amazing and old and Ohhh God I want to study there!!

Very close to the Bodleian Library there is the Hertford Bridge.

Then there is the Oxford Castle - which is huge. And old.

Here is the famous University of Oxford where they filmed Harry Potter.

And the outside of it. Seriously it's huge.

Christ the Church College. And in from of it there was this huge green playground for playing american football and stuff. I was stunning for how big it was.

And this is the Department of Experimental Psychology. Ok I know my profession is quite new like 130 years and so yeah the building for this study cannot be old like for law or economics... but still!! The consolation price for me not being able to study there(yet) - at least is not that stunning like the other ones. But it must be great. 

I love Oxford!!

September 23, 2011


OMG! This is something you shoud totally see!! I fell in love with it <3

I would sell my soul for this. To Hell. Literally.

Cambridge is.. WAW! It's amazingly beautiful. The center of the city is so lovely. It has two main streets. It's quite small, but seriously beautiful. Every building is an arhitecture per se. AMAZING. And then on the West side of the center are the Universities. And they are awfully amazing. They are HUGE. Like really really huge. And old. And so many of them. I prefered the most St. John's College (the one in the picture above). 

And then there is King's College which is OMG huge and old and amazing and terrifying. All others are very similar just not that huge. Ahh when you see the University of Cambridge you understand what prof. Godina meant when she said why the brains of the students when they finish their study are valued 200.000 pounds a year. Yeah. 

I would seriously sell my soul for the chance to study there. The facultity buildings and the dormitories are like they were made out of a fairytale. When I first saw the inside of St. John's College I said "This isn't possible. No fucking way. THIS isn't possible." Because it's really amazing. It's not like in Maribor or Lubljana .. they in front of THAT are practically nothing. Seriously. I think is really an honor to study there. And the people are so nice. The city is quite quiet. I mean there are pubs and stuff but it's nothing like London. And that's maybe why I've found it even more attractive. No noise. A lot of nature. Young people. Paradise. Ahh I wish..

And then there is the river. What a magic the river can make. You cannot imagine. The bridges OMG waaaw. The river is spread between the center and the Universities. Every bridge is different. Every next one is prettier than the previous one. Amazing. And you can take the tour with the gondola on the river and see all the bridges and Univesities from the river. I said the next time I'll go to Cambridge I'll go to take that tour ;)

And then you have various museums around the city. I like this one a lot. The architecture is beautiful.

And this famous clock. The insect is walking - every step is one second. And the blue light  shows the seconds, minutes and hours. Pretty cool. 

I loved it. Every single minute of it. 

Top Ten Books Everyone Has Read.. Except Me!

It's Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is
Top 10 Books I Feel Everyone Has Read But Me

1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling 
Ok, seriously one of this days I WILL read Harry Potter. It became such a thing in the back of my head.. I need to read it. Soon.

2. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
I see everywhere on blogs people talk about this series. So I decided to read it. But haven't make it there yet.

3. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
God, I have been dying to read this book for so long and now that it had been released I still didn't get the chance to read it. When I'll be at the airport leaving London I will buy it and read it.

4. Firelight by Sophie Jordan
I haven't reached that book yet. But I am getting close ;)

5. One day by David Nicholls
There are advertisements all over London about the movie with Ann Hathaway and my roommate actually went to see the movie and she said it was amazing!! So I said I will read the book first. Books are always better than movies so :)

6.  The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart
I need to read this series. They said it's really funny. So yeah I'll read it :)

7. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Ahh, it seems that everyone had read the book already except me. I will read it.

8. If I stay by Gayle Forman
I need to read this book seriously. 

9. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
On every blog I see the review of this book and all of them said it's fantastic. Definitely I'll read it.

10.  The knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness
They all say it's amazing. So it must be true.

September 19, 2011

week number ten

V ponedeljek  sem delala zjutraj. In se trudla govorit potiho. Awful belive me. Sploh mi ni jasno kak me je folk sploh kaj slišau. Doh. Ampak sem se trudla. Whatever. Po službi sem šla domou. In sem brala knjigo Linger.

V torek sem šla spet u službo zjutraj. Omg kak je blo hard ustat. Bla sem seriously utrujena. Od nespanja... ja vem nebi smela brat knjig do 3h-4h ponoči.. Sam kaj češ? :P

V sredo sem mela počitnice :D Bla sem doma in brala. Postala sem ABSOLVENTKA!! OMG kak se to dobro čuje :D Odraslost, zrelost pa to. Well not that much but still ;) Sedela sem v kuhinji in razmišljala kaj da naredim. In pol sem si rekla "Well samo 1x v življenju postaš absolventka" in sem šla u shop kupit 2 ciderja Cherry. In sem mela privat party sama s sabo v kuhinji - priceless ;)

V četrtek sem šla v WoodGreen. Dejansko sem šla peš. Sploh ni tko daleč. Shopping za šuhe. In kupla use razen šuhov. Standard. Če pa niso meli nobenih normalnih črnih tenisk. Awful, right? Sem si kupla rdečo čepico. A nice one ;)

V petek zjutraj me je mama vrgla s postle ob 10 do 9h. OMG!! Raztur. Sem mislna da bom umrla. In začela klicarit u Maribor na fax. Po eni uri neodgovarjanja na phone sem klicala Gospoda Macuha. Ja vem totally awful, sam če pa nisem vedla kaj naredit. In valda se me je spomnu. Mislim kdo se me nebi po usej tisti sceni lani septembra? Yeah. In je bil prijazen. Ok ob pol 12h začnem spet klicarit tko kot mi je rekel. Po eni uri in pol klicarjenja u prazno.. nisem vedla kaj naredit. In kličem njega nazaj. NAPAKA. Tip me je tak napizdu na hitro. Skratka dal mi je napačno uro in napačno telefonsko. Lol. In pol sem začela spet klicarit in končno se mi je Jasmina jaula :) Ahh kakšno olajšanje :) Sma uredile. No bolje rečeno Jasmina je use uredila :) Huala ti Jasmina!! Umrla bi brez tebe! ;) Pol sem lenarla in brala knjigo Forever
In pol sem se začela rihtat. Tina me je klicala, da pride tudi ona. Kul :) In sem si oprala lase in posušila. In se pogledam v ogledalo in si rečem "Haha si misliš, da grem s takimi lasi ven?" Ha ha little did I know. Likalnik se ni hotu upalit. Omg in jst "ne ne hecala sem se!! Delaj!!" Not a chance. In gledam svoje lase... ahh I guess da nisem mela dosti izbire. Sem se obekla in namazala in šla. :) Dobila sem se s Tino na Leicester Square-u. 
In sma šle u life. The Verve. I looove that place. In so bli usii tam - Eathan, Erin, Tess, Daniel, Chris, Thomas, usi skratka. Aaa sem bla vesela :) Full mam rada te ljudi. Uglaunem full je blo dobro. One of best Fridays EVER! Pol sta prišla neka 2 kolega Egipčana od Tine, fuknjena ampak zabauna na pune :) Full smo plesali. Menli smo se o Londonu in ideja o tem, da bi šla domou je bila vedno bolj živa. Nevem. Prespi Nea. Jupp I did. 

Naslednji dan. Da ne omenim gromozanskega mačka. Omg ne spomnem se nazadnje kdaj mi je blo tko slabo. Oooh. In se zbudim in valda hočem govejo juho. Standard. In kličem Ollyja da če mi lahko kupi rezance, ker mi jih je zmankalo namreč. In reče ja valda ni panike. In pol me kliče, da kje te majo te rezance. In jst njemu, da so v Polish Shopu, ker drugje jih namreč nimajo. Ja vem totally awful ljudje tu očitno sploh ne jejo juhe al nevem kaj. In mu povem da je tipo 50 metrov stran od tam kjer je on in da je čisto blizu. In mi reče "too far". In jst gledam.. huh? Ma če je sam.. "too far. Do you want anything else?" "NO". OMG in tam mi je blo use jasno. Ok tudi prau. Sem prekinla. In oflna stran od Ryanaira. Ja vem si boste mislni, kak brezvezen motiv za se odločit za it domou. Sam ni lih to tolko res. To je bla sam pikica na i. In najdem karto za 6 funtov. OMG 6 funtov. Nič skratka. In gledam gledam .. ja lahko bi. Full bi. Nevem. In sem si pustla popoudne za razmislit. Sem se oblekla in se skobacala do Polish Shopa. Kupla sem si tudi Aspirin. Se privlečem do doma in spijem Aspirin. Napaka. Ko sem rešla glavo, me je želodec bolel samo še bolj. Kera katastrofa. In si skuham juho. Pojedla sem jo pol. Pol si dejansko lahko misliš kolko slabo mi je blo, če ne morem goveje juhe pojest, huh? Šla sem se uležt. Po 2h urah sem se počutla dosti boljše :) Sem šla u kuhinjo skuhat še eno juho :) Tokrat sem jo pojedla. Brala sem knjigo. Se zabavala in razmišljala. Sem klicala mamo in rekla da prihajam domou. Boga mama pomojem je bla u šoku. Ampak je rekla da me bo prišla iskat na letališče :P Tata je bil relativno kul na telefonu. Dejansko me je presetil. Pogovarjal se je z mano kot odraslo osebo. OMG!! To bi mogli slišat.. it was nice :) Odprl je dosti opcij katerih prej sama nisem vidla, kul. Torej prihajam domou. 2 tedna in pol časa. Ok. Cambridge. Oxford. Edinburgh. OBVEZNO! Ne grem iz UK če tega ne vidim prvo. In sem book-irala use karte. Pestro bo te 2 tedna in pol ;) In pomembna stvar.. Jst grem na PRVI ROK :D Jeeeeej tega res nisem hotla zamudit!! Lani je blo tko dobro! :) Komi čakam :) Zvečer pol je prišel Olly v kuhinjo in sem mu povedala, da odhajam. Tipu je blo dejansko bad. Za pastino tudi namreč. In pol je šel u shop kupit par Ciderjev in sma pila u kuhinji in se menla o tem da grem in kako je use skupaj blo in plani za prihodnost in take. Tip me bo dejansko pogrešal. Jupp I'll miss London too <3 :'(

V nedeljo sem se zbudla ob 2h. Ok. Danes je bil pomemben dan za našo areo, ker je bil namreč Harringay Green Lanes Food Festival 2011. Full zabavno. In sma šla na festival. Jedla sma neko čudno vegeterian stuff zadevo. Pekoča sicer, ampak drugače je bila kul. Recimo. Pol je začelo deževat haha standard. In sma bla pod neko streh pol ure al celo več, ker mam namreč stragane šuhe in ni lih za hodit po mokrem, če lih noče plavat v svojih teniskah. Ahh :/ Ko je nehalo sma šla naprej. Irish koncert. Full je blo dobro :) 
PS. It's always sunny for cool people.

September 15, 2011

Congratulations to me!

Wuhuuuu to me! 

Today I've officially became Absolventka aka  Senior Sudent Member! :D 

OMG!! :D I am so prooooud!!
Čin Čin to me :P Cider time ;)

September 14, 2011

Top Ten Books I've Read Because Of Bloggers

It's Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is:
Top 10 Books I've read because of other Bloggers

1. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Ok I must admit it. I would have probably read the series Mortal Instruments much later if it wasn't for Jace's name all over the internet. Everywhere I looked there was someone writing about Jace. And I was like "Who is JACE?" Little did I know then.. And then I've found out the Mortal Instruments and I've started reading. And it was AMAZING!! And of course then I totally understood why everyone was talking about Jace, I mean this is JACE we are talking about <3 :) 

2. Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn’t Have) by Sarah Mlynowski
I've read the Review on AnnaReads and I said "I need to read this book no matter what happens. I need to read this book!!" I mean if Anna said that she thinks she was wasting one month of her life before reading this book then it MUST be unbelievable. And it was ;)

3. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
This was the beginning. After keeping rereading Vampire Academy for like 6 months, I decided to start reading other books. But I didn't know where to start. I didn't know what genres I like. Huh, hard stuff. But I knew I loved love stories with an incredibly hot guy, paranormal stuff like vampires, fairies, greater good over evil.. And then I have found out Young Adult books. They were perfect for me. Yeey I was happy. And it was then that I discovered AnnaReads's blog. I've read the Review of Before I fall and decided I need to read this book. I must say I wasn't disappointed. I loved it. So meaningfull.

4. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
This serie AnnaReads recommended it to me. In the begining I didn't get it what she loved so much of the book. But then almost every book ... it's not that you understand everything from the begining, right? And when I fall deeper in the story.. I understood why. Totally. I love this serie, it is amazing. So strog female character. So much decisions. Awesome. ;)

5. The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa
This is another serie that AnnaReads racommended to me. OMG!! After Vampire Academy, Mortal Instruments and Succubus.. best serie ever!! So powerfull, so magic, so much love! Ooooh <3 I love it!!

6. A Need so Beautiful by Suzanne Young 
I've seen this Review on GReads and decided to give it a try. I liked the review and I really liked the book. It's about the light and greater good over evil.

7. Wolves of Marcy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater
I've seen this Review of Forever (the last book of the triology) on AnnaReads. First I didn't know if I wanted to read this. I mean I love paranormal, but the werewolves are really not my stuff. But then Anna wrote that everyone who thinks the story isn't amazing just because of werewolves it's stupid. And Ok it kind of was. So I decided to give it a try. I am in the middle of the second book and so little so far I like it.

8. Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Well I read this Review on AnnaReads and decided to give it a try. After I finish the Wolves of Marcy Falls, I'll start reading this. They got me :P

9. The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart
Ok I've seen this Review on GReads and I was so laughing that I say I will read this book. Then I kind of figured out it is more then just one book so even better. Is on my list of what I will read in the near future.

10. If I stay by Gayle Forman
Ok after seeing this book mentioned everywhere (like here, here and here) on the Top 10 Books I read because of Bloggers.. well you convinced me enough that I will read it for sure!! 

September 13, 2011

Top Ten Sequels We're Dying To Read

Ok. I've seen this on AnnaReads blog a lot. And I decided I will give it a try. It looks like a lot of fun. 

It's Top 10 Tuesday (hosted at The Broke and the Bookish) and the topic is: 
Top 10 Sequels we're dying to read

1. City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Omg, the end of City of Fallen Angels was so heartbreaking and awful and tragic and totally unexpected :/ SO YES I am dying to read this book. And I will need to wait until May. OMG, I feel like crying already.

2. The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
After all, they did for stay together she sends him away?! No fucking way. That was a shock. I mean ok, I didn't want him to die, but still send him away like that was totally awful! And after saying it is better like that it's even more awful. Seriously how could she possibly think that Ash will forget her so easily? I didn't like the end of the third book. Can't wait to read the forth!!

3.  Bloodlines by Richelle Mead 
Ok, I know is already out since the 25 of August. And I was dying to read this book since last December for God's sake. Since I planned to move to England I was so glad that finally, I will be able to buy a book in the original time when it gets released. When I' ve read the Original first Chapter from the point of view of Adrian I wanted the book so badly. And now I am so broke and with this job problems, that I can't buy myself the book I've been waiting for 9 months. Awful. Ok, I have it on the computer, but still, I think the sequel of Vampire Academy deserves to be bought in paperback. Seriously. I'm not going to read this book until I buy it.

4. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead 
Yeah well, I guess when I will read Bloodlines I will be eventually dying to read the second one of the series. After all is Richelle Mead that we are talking about.

5. The City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare 
Well, knowing Cassie and knowing there will be NO advanced copies realised before both the last two books I can guess the end of the fifth one will be also very open like. And then I will die to wait until May of 2013 to read the finish. Omg, I can't die before I finish this series. Seriously. And if there will the end of the world in December 2012 I will be seriously pissed off for haven't got the chance to read the last book!!

6. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Well ok, after reading Clockwork Angel, well yes, I kind of want to know how the story between Tessa and Will will look like. I mean Will is seriously weird. He must have some psychological disease for acting that weird toward Tessa. But then again.. He is a GUY, and they are all kind of acting weird (no pun intended).

7. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare 
I guess after reading Clockwork Prince I will want to read the third book as well. So it should be on the list.

8. Forever by Maggie Stiefvater 
Well I have this book but I am kind of in the middle of Linger so until I finish the second one I can not go to the third one, but I am seriously interested how will it end. According to @AnnaReads the trilogy is amazing, so I guess it must be true. 

9. Fallen by Lauren Kate 
Well, I haven't started reading this series at all yet. But I am looking forward to it. This will be the next series I will start reading when I finish Wolves of Marcy Falls. I can't wait! They said it's awesome!!

10. Firelight by Sophie Jordan 
Ok, this is this other series that everyone on their blog is talking about. So I decided I will read also this series and I can't wait.

Woow I haven't tought I will complete all 10 of them. I've tought I will find like 5 or 6 and then stop and then think and think and bla bla, but I did it :) Well I could actually go further but I guess it will be for the next time. I enjoy it so much!! :) 

September 12, 2011

30 things to do before you're 30

I've seen this article the last week in the newspaper and I loved it :D It is so awesome. So I decided to share it with you.

Buying a whole buildings may be unrealistic - less than half of Londoners are expected to own their own homes by 2021. But with house prices predicted to rise 21 per cent in five years, property remains a great investment. Pool your pittance with friends and family for a hope of owning a room or two.

We've all read those scary news stories - surely every 29-year-old is quaking with infertility fear? 

Male and female aspirations are rarely so divided as on the issue of whether trapping yourself in a 24/7 cycle of sleeplessness and regret is a good idea while you're still young.

A gap year after 30 is career suicide. Get South-East Asia out of your system.

No fibbing now - everyone has Googled themselves. If you're not the top result, something has gone wrong. Regular commenters on your blog and 1,000 Twitter followers are also essential. 

With rental prices up 14.5 per cent over the past year, leaving the parental home isn't easy - but life begins when you fly the nest.

You won't earn much interest but the sensible are saving for fantasies such as houses and retirement. 

So what if you still can't touch your toes? You can't let that stop you ditching you desk and becoming a yoga teacher. Escape the rat race before it gets you hooked.

Living alone is said to cost  £3,500 more per year than sharing. But learning to live in harmony with boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends takes practice. Test out potential partners now.

While legends suggest you may reach you "prime" in your thirties, you won't have the time or the energy for such adventurous antics. Indulge in a little sexual experimentation now.

Be it Miu Miu and crafted from calfskin or a classic Mulberry Bayswater, the perfect bag, paid with your own hard-earned cash, equals job satisfaction by the bucketload.

And learn to stand up for yourself. While your early twenties are all about "people pleasing", honing an ability to fight your own battles in essential. Learn how to say "no" and, more importantly, how to entertain the notion of being right. 

Baz Luhrmann was right: with skin cancer now the most common form among twentysomethings, playing it safe in the sun is essential. And you'll be thankful for that wrinkle-free skin when you turn 40.

Your days of student profligacy are long gone yet repayment letters are still coming as the interest on your debt increases. Whether it's the average £13,000 or £20,000, it's time to settle with the Student Loans Company.

Information is power, and with it comes opportunity. In London, networking ability will always stand you in good stead.

What seemed fun and "grown up" in your formative years will leave you tired - and possibly fired - in your thirties. Get it out your system while you can still cope with the hangover.

What looks terrific when you're 21 will look tragic when you're 30. Indulge in flash-in-the-pan fashion while you still have the legs to do so.

Understand the importance of a fully functioning, sanity-restoring relationship. What you wanted from love in your twenties - fun and floppy hair - is no longer going to cut the mustard.

Jemina Khan was just 21 when she embarked on her "starter marriage" with Imran Khan, Lily Allen had hit 26 and Kate Middleton was 29 when she tied the knot. Start dropping hints now - but make sure you've got the £20,000 it normally costs to make it happen.

Once you've climbed Everest, run a double marathon or done that sky dive you'll know you can push your body to its limit and still talk about it afterward. 

Your expertise and ideas might be slim but you will never be as marketable again. Faubert, Kafka, Fitzgerald, Updike, and Walcott all pushed classics before 30, so writing a decent time is actually possible too.

Your 783 Facebook friends have already been winnowed to 638. As the job eats away at the social time, loyalty and similar interests replace "seemed nice/fill in the smoking area" as the criteria for staying in touch. 

Still, can't bake bread and struggle with bechamel? Take a cookery course, like Pippa Middleton, because chances are you'll be entertaining from now on.

Learning a foreign tongue when you're young is not only easier, it can also make you clever in other ways. Fewer than one in 10 British workers has managed it, though, so good luck.

...or at least earn you age. Only the suited denizens of Canary Wharf and a few young Sugar-lings can hit the magic number so young, but hitting 30k by 30 has a nice ring to it.

The gap year is largely funny because 18 is too young to think about anything meaningfully. However, 25 is no, and working out what you believe in should be wrapped up before family life takes over.

What is a proper summer without a new fling and a hedonistic trip to Glasto? Go before you start caring about hygiene.

Don't let work become life. Extracurricular activities could also help you unearth your real passion. Start a supper club, join a band or free-run through London.

Everyone knows the best fun starts after midnight. A hangover at work? So what, Alka-Seltzer is your friend...

4 in 10 London undergraduates run their own businesses. Take the plunge while you still have nothing to lose.

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