The Unholy
by Paul DeBlassie III
Publisher: Sunstone Press (October, 2013)
Category: New Age Fiction/Metaphysical Thriller, Paranormal Thriller
Tour Date: April & May 2015
Available in: Print & ebook, 203 Pages
Winner of the 2014 International Book Award and the Pinnacle Achievement Award!
A young curandera, a medicine woman, intent on uncovering the secrets of her past is forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop. Set in the mystic land of Aztlan, "The Unholy" is a novel of destiny as healer and slayer.
Native lore of dreams and visions, shape changing, and natural magic work to spin a neo-gothic web in which sadness and mystery lure the unsuspecting into a twilight realm of discovery and decision.

Praise for 'The Unholy' by Paul DeBlassie III:
"The imagery throughout is amazing and I love the writing style. The plot kept me engaged throughout and the backstory is intricate and makes you think. This is a relatively quick read but I would suggest starting when you’ve got time to invest. Because you won’t want to put it down once you pick it up!"-Shana, The Bookie Monster

"The theme of the novel is pretty basic, good vs. evil. But the author takes that theme, twists it around, comes up with intriguing characters who often walk the balance between right and wrong, and takes things to a whole new level. There’s action, suspense, a hint of romance, and definitely enough darkness to share around in this book.
The writing style is very descriptive, almost poetic. Intruiging."- Majanka, I Heart Reading
"A new take on the classic good versus evil, The Unholy is well written and will leave you wanting more. I was intrigued by the native lore that was used to develop the story, and also on how strong of a hold the Archbishop has on the people of the town – his fear and power is overwhelming. I really enjoyed the story and how the characters prepared for what was to come."-Tracee, Review From Here
"This is really a very good read but I have to warn you it’s really dark. It reminded me of watching a movie where it is overcast, gloomy, a bit foggy and there are crows and ravens around. Well this had all that plus a psychiatric hospital, ancient and mystical powers, a cult, and unknown forces at work.
There is a sinister feeling that hangs over you as you read through this captivating story. It is really well written and so vivid, I had such a clear sense of where this all took place. The characters were very well done. The evil person is really dark and warped and creepy.
As I said this is quite a dark story but it is well told and a really good read. The very first chapter draws you into this story and will keep you reading to see whether good or evil wins. I definitely recommend it."-Maggie Thom, Author of 'The Caspian Wine Series'
My Review
The Unholy was a scary book to read. Now I know you will say, it's a thriller after all, but still I never thought it is going to be that scary. People die and evil does exist. I got chills while reading!
Claire was the representative of good, and she was an interesting character to read about. I completely loved the psychological part of it. She worked in the mental health institution, and doing a master in psychology myself, I couldn't help but love this aspect of the book.
Claire's mother was murdered before her eyes when she was a child. Scary, indeed. As I said, there is a lot of death happening in this book and is described in details. I like the details in this book, such as flavours and smells.
The third person POV worked well for this book as well. There were some things which were repetitive, like the constant presence and description of her mother's death. Otherwise, the writing was alright, and I can see why this book won awards.
This isn't the type of book I usually go for. The genre I prefer is quite different. The psychology part was quite intriguing though! So, if you like (psychological) thrillers and suspense and scary books, then The unholy is the perfect book for you!
& A With Paul DeBlassie III
Can you give us a brief overview of your latest book?
Is it part of a series?
The Unholy is a novel of destiny as healer and slayer,
a young curandera, medicine woman engaged in a life-and-death battle with an
evil Archbishop…a definite stand alone novel.
Do you have a favourite character?
Do you have a favourite character?
Each of the characters in The Unholy, good and evil,
present remarkably likeable aspects of their personalities within the story; if
I had to choose I’d say the young medicine woman whose life is on the line and
whose psyche is haunted by destiny is so inspirational that she’d have to be my
Did you try the traditional route to publishing, i.e. querying agents/publishers?
Did you try the traditional route to publishing, i.e. querying agents/publishers?
Oh sure, and I ultimately did decide to go with a
traditional publisher, Sunstone Press, because the house really saw the vision
of The Unholy and agreed, totally got behind, the publication of such a
controversial work.
What factors influenced your decision to go with a particular agent or publisher?
What factors influenced your decision to go with a particular agent or publisher?
Jim Smith at Sunstone Press immediately got the theme
of The Unholy—Religion Kills---and was on fire about it. That’s what ultimately
helped me to decide to go with Sunstone Press for publication.
What is your writing process? Do you listen to music or do you like silence?
What is your writing process? Do you listen to music or do you like silence?
I write according to what the spirit, the inspiration
of the moment has in it, just as I’m writing now with the background of silence
since it nourishes my thoughts and assists me to catch old of the ideas going
through my mind so I can put them on the page in a coherent manner.
Did you hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?
Did you hire an editor to review your manuscript before publishing?
Professional editors are a critical part of the
process in helping the manuscript come to publication since the author isn’t
able to approach the work objectively, to see what needs to changed so as to
communicate with as many people as the story is meant to reach.

Paul DeBlassie III's Website: http://www.pauldeblassieiii.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pdeblassieiii
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